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We do not give directions to this location
Much of what is written in this article are allegations or legends. Whether or not these stories are true, we may never know. Either or, here is as much information as I was able to gather:
Satan’s Castle sits in a mountainous region that is filled with both religious and satanic lore dating back to the 19th century. There are said to be underground tunnels linking to various points of interest across the mountain which were used during the prohibition era. These tunnels were created mostly for transportation and smuggling booze but also served for darker purposes. One of these tunnels is rumored to connect a Catholic church to Satan’s Castle.

The beautiful 3-story, 2500 sq. ft. home is thought to have been built by a San Bernardino Sun tycoon in the late 1800’s. At some point Dr. Russell Atkinson purchased the property.
Russell moved to the area in 1946 and rubbed shoulders with some of the most powerful figures in the area, such as Prince Akhoy Kumar Mozumdar of the Mozumbar Temple. For many years, Atkinson would hold elaborate parties and gatherings for the city’s elite. It was a space for many social affairs of importance.
Atkinson’s home is also said to have been the grounds for dark, ritualistic practices which included both human and animal sacrifices along with other dark ceremonies.
The main rumor attached to the castle involves a preschool whose staff was accused of molesting children in a ritualistic manner. The accusations spoke of underground tunnels at the preschool and staff flying the children to an airport in the mountains and then driven to a church.
From the church the children were taken through an underground tunnel which lead to Atkinson’s house, which was a block down. It was here where strange, satanic practices would go down.
The children would then be flown back to the preschool in time for their parents to pick them up. Initially, most of the children denied being molested, but after lengthy and manipulative tactics done by the police force and therapists, 360 of the 400 children admitted to at least some form of sexual abuse.

The children also spoke of the teachers playing a game called ”Naked Movie Star Game” and being photographed. They also told of animal sacrifices and hidden passageways under the school and identified professional athletes and politicians as being some of the perpetrators.
The case was eventually thrown out and nobody was charged. I found one newspaper article from 1966 that mentions an award being given to Dr. Atkinson & the ceremony being held at the church that is rumored to connect to his house. The reverend of the church presented Dr. Atkinson the award of “Mountain Man of the Year.”
Allegations at the preschool began in 1983. Satan’s Castle mysteriously burned down in 1984, with claims that it was intentionally destroyed to burn all evidence that could be linked to the molestations. This is the 2nd time Atkinson’s home had burned down; the first time was from the 1956 McKinley fire.

On YouTube, one man claims that inside one of the rooms a pentagram used to be painted on the ground and that there are ovens in a wall that was built into the mountainside. Another YouTuber chimes in agreeing about the pentagram and said that local Christians painted over it with the John 3:16 verse, but the pentagram always bled through. People claim that the lookout tower is shaped like a pentagram. In the screen-shot I am providing of the tower, it does appear to have 5 points.

Another man said when he was in jail there were some guys in there from the area. They would brag about all the animal sacrifices they would do in the name of Satan. Another YouTuber says in the 80’s, him and his friends were exploring the entire hillside below the castle and discovered an old, tin shed. He says that just next to the shed was a metal sheet that covered up a tunnel. They dared each other to go in but none of them did. I did notice what looks like a tin shed below the castle on Google Earth. It is extremely close to a home though and guaranteed to be on their property.
The house below the castle is being called the ‘Witch’s House’ by some people and others claim there is a tunnel connecting it to Satan’s Castle. Could the tunnel those boys found truly connect the homes? Another guy says he grew up 5 houses down from there and his friend used to live across the street. On two different occasions him and his friend spotted people in black robes heading onto the grounds late at night. There were fires and he says they were scared to death. Oftentimes he would find carcasses of animals on the property including dogs and cats.
There is a video on YouTube which shows two boys exploring the grounds. They were heckled by a neighbor who spotted them early on so decided not to trespass and instead explored the hillside below. While they were on the hillside a man who was with a child gave a shrieking giggle and held an upside-down cross in the air towards them while standing in the pentagram-shaped tower. He said no words. After a minute or so he threw the sharp cross at the boys. Here are some screen grabs of it. The video does not appear to be fake which makes this extremely disturbing. It is assumed that the man is connected to the property:
On Reddit many people who live in the area agree that this mountain town is known for Satanic worship, animal torture and a whole lot of meth. One guy claims to have been hiking in the woods nearby when he came across a bunch of dogs tied to trees. Some people squatting nearby admitted to him that people steal dogs from the area to be later used for ritualistic sacrifices.
Personal Experience: The lore attached to this home and area reminds me a bit of Questhaven and it’s surrounding region in San Diego where I live. We have pretty extensively combed through that area and have had many strange experiences. Since I don’t live in the area where Satan’s Castle is, I sadly cannot give it the proper time and investigating like I usually would.
I’m well aware that people tend to be afraid of the unknown and things they don’t understand. Rumors can start from the tiniest grain and grow into a full-blown wildfire of gossip. BUT, I also tend to believe that there is some truth in most lies. Usually these types of rumors don’t begin circulating out of thin air. I hope we can continue to gather more historical evidence down the line and possibly get feedback from more locals on this spot.
Multiple people claim to have seen old satanic symbols etched into the ground and peering through cracks, they have seen levels underground. This property is massive, that’s for sure. I admittedly rushed through my visit (exploring 5 minutes tops) due to the fact that I was definitely NOT supposed to be there and a person’s house is connected to the property. Here are the photos I took though:
This guy did far more investigating than I did if you’d like to see more details of the property:
This place used to be party central in the mid-to-late ’90s. Or at least places like this were. I’ve only gotten maybe one or two stories from my parents about this place. One did stick out though. My goth oddball parents and their even weirder friends were hanging out in this place when they were teens. Whether they trespassed is unclear but I wouldn’t put it past them. They got to the kitchen area of the castle and my mom said it was like time stopped and it was dark outside all of a sudden. It’s got a weird way of putting you out of your conscious and zooming through time. There are ovens in there but it didn’t seem to be a big deal when they told it. We’re pretty sensitive to energies and all that. It was like I could feel the way she felt when she told it. I didn’t get much out of my dad because he doesn’t like to talk about that kind of stuff but he did say the area was cool and he respected the land. Said there were clear leylines that crossed the area. I thought it was an interesting place, but I show a mix of respect and fear so I likely won’t visit in my lifetime.
Hey, my name is Austin Porter and I am a producer for Travel Channel. I saw your video on Satans Castle in crest line. I am considering trying to film an episode of the most popular show on travel channel and was wondering if you had a minute to speak over the phone? I’m curious to hear about your experiences there, see if you know who owns it, do you think its haunted etc.
I moved to Running Springs in 1991. Some of my new friends from Rim took me there, and we started hanging out there fairly regularly until the winter weather hit. It was always at night. It wasn’t surrounded by fencing. You could just walk right down. We’d talk, smoke cigarettes, just hang out. We nicknamed one area the water chamber. There was a hole in the concrete that allowed rain to accumulate in the large sealed in chamber. The hole was directly at the bottom of one set of stairs, so we always had to be careful not to just step right in it. We’d dangle our feet over the edge of the foundation, and hang out in the tower. Nothing ever attacked us, but it was cool to have that spooky vibe. I moved down the hill the next summer, and didn’t give it too much thought after.
Can anybody shoot me a link with the address or directions to satans castle in crest line ca? Please I’ve been here before but I want to go again and I can’t remember what website I found the directions on ! Please itd be greatly appreciated if someone could help !
Th Eagles wrote the son Hotel California about the castle and a
https://youtu.be/BplUD6kQYuU This link is actual footage discussing the trials that we’re about this placevin crestline called satans castle
Hate to differ, but my family, including me, grew up in this so-called “Satan’s Castle.” My uncle and mother grew up there, The idea that there are these “secret tunnels” used for child molestation is farcical at best. You will never find such tunnels. Dr. Russell Atkinson was a humble, revered, honest man. Please remove this evil association you link with him. I know who did the pentagram. And I covered it with Bible verses. Only 10% of facts here correct. After 1993 when we sold the property, well, who knows what happened after? None of the content has any references. Some spelling errors also make the story appear bereft of research.
I visited this castle in 1981 and the pentagram was not “painted”. It was built into the flooring with the stones/bricks built originally when the castle floor was laid. The pentagram was made for a reason. It had a huge crack through it when I was there and the crack looked deliberate and Godly,..( if that makes any sense… but it does to me and was the vibe I was getting when I had seen it).. The pentagram is grown over now with weeds/grass but it is there as a part of the original floor right in front of the huge ovens.
I forgot to mention that the CASTLE was already burned down before I had gone there in 1981. It was ruins at the time. So it could not have burned in 1984.
I’m a little freaked out. There was an identical “castle” in Cabazon. It burned down in the 90s!
Does this have anything to relate to the McMartin Preschool case in Manhattan Beach? Children who said they were satanically ritually abused mentioned being taken to possibly somewhere in this area as well for abuse. If you know ANYTHING about the McMartin preschool case, the tunnels, the organized snuff..
We were taken to the long beach museum of art believe it or not. On several occasions by bus. They ran an art program there for kids, everyone in my group was a foster child including myself. We thought it was art camp. A man they called fausto ran it. He mentioned once studying theatre at a Russian academy so these people have all studied acting their way around anything. There are more people involved than you think and many of them still reside in manhattan beach I believe.
I’m grew up in seal beach ca, my preschool at the time (under the rainbow) in the 90’s I believe was connected to all these preschools like the McMartin that was near by. They tore down the building like they do most, everyone is getting away with it
If you are reading this Anthony, could you message me? My email is [email protected]
I’ve been involved with SRA as a child in seal beach and I need answers
I can’t believe it… When I was a kid, some friends of my folks owned a cabin in Crestline (Hank & Royal B). Across the street were these very ruins. There was no fencing and they were completely accessible. I’ve wondered what must have been there prior to it having burned down. No one seemed to know anything about it, never asked the locals, just figured it was a home that had burned down in one of the many fires we have here in So. Cal.. I wonder if they were trying not to scare the kids… Regardless, I will never forget the view from that octagonal tower, the highway winding up toward Crestline from San Berdu. This was back in the mid 60’s. Incredible to find out about this place before I croak. Thanks, you’ve answered a lifelong question for me!
This structure was gone before the mid 60’s, of that I am certain.
That’s crazy because I work for the bank and I work on the house directly across from this castle ..and right down the street is a church ..the people who lived across the street from the castle at the house I’m working at now had a lot of sailor artifacts or stuff that had to do with sailor stuff like boats and lighthouses does this ring a bell to your sir contact me at [email protected] or message me at 4154959291
I grew up in SBD and Rialto. I traveled all over the mountains but never came across these ruins, news to me. I did find an abandoned pool which I’d guess was part of some camp just above the university. Now I don’t live out there any longer, the next time I’m there, might have to find this place.
I agree with Pete Schomaker 100%. I too used to visit “The Ruins” in the mid to late ’60s as a kid. My grandparents owned a cabin across the street from the “doctors” house (didn’t know his name, just remember my grandmother saying a doctor lived there or owned the house) next door. Every time we went to visit them, we kids ALWAYS wanted to go to “The Ruins”. As Schomaker mentions above, there was no fencing and it was completely accessible; the limitation was our grandmother’s limits! And also, as Pete mentions, there was absolutely no structure. I definitely remember the tower and I seem to remember tile flooring (somewhat broken) on the main floor (exposed to the elements). We didn’t go too far inside; we were only 6 to 9 years old and probably too scared to go any further. I do remember playing around in the room directly below the tower. My grandparents moved back down to LA in 1972 and we never again visited the area after that……..until June 22, 2019!
I live in Texas now but just about every summer, we visit SoCal and that summer, I suggested Big Bear to my family; I hadn’t been there in 50 years either. So, fly into SBD, rent a car and head up the mountain. I decided that we had to drive through Crestline and to swing by “the cabin” to take a look. WOW! Talk about instant “50 year” flashback. And of course, we had to stop by “The Ruins”. As mentioned in the article, access is basically “nonexistent”. We could really only look from the road. We did “slide” down the hill a bit on one side hoping to get a better look or access, but not much was gained. But, visited “The Ruins” completed my journey down memory lane. Definitely worth the stop.
Prior to our trip, I began searching for information about “The Ruins” and came across this website and this article. Interesting rumors, stories, myths or facts! None of us reading this will probably ever know the complete truth. I can, however, confirm Pete’s story as I too have fond memories of my time (1965 to 1972) in Crestline with visits to “The Ruins” being one of the highlights.
Dario is completely ignorant of the history of this place. I’ve been on the mountain born and raised since 1978. My father and I have trecked almost every spot known on this mountain. Books and stains that were found as well AS alters. Also the history museum in Lake Arrowhead contains trinkets that were found as well as folk magic and bloody children’s clothing. The fires burned a lot of evidence but I remember clearly. It was built for Dr. ATKINSONS wife so she could have a view of Catalina Island. In the community these two were known to be quite perverted and always carried books of a sexual nature.
That was my grandpas castle. Does anyone remember in 1986-87 three children around the burnt castle? That was my brother,sister and I. Only thing I remember is my grandpa always playing solitaire in the kitchen at night. Does anyone know of a whiskey Bob? I have alot to say on this but I’ll wait. If you think this is a gigantic tall tale look me up. Tanner Lee Atkinson born August 17, 1984 at Loma Linda hospital.
I can put you in touch with a lady if you need help recovering memories or help with trauma at all Tanner, we are here for you and we will listen to your story
Hey Richard,
I don’t know if they had a bunch of nautical gear about that I can remember. They did have a scrapbook of WWII cartoons. I thoroughly enjoyed that. One was a pic of a soldier knocking over furnishings to get to his girlfriend, and gf’s mom and dad are saying “Wish she would have picked someone not in the tank corps.”
Hello tanner Atkinson , I would love to hear everythin you know about the castle , and does your family still own it ??? The light fixtures and door of the tower still have working lights on at night time , (as if someone takes care of it ) my email is [email protected] & I also really curious about a house that was also burnt down at the bottom of highway 18 before heading up the mountain , you can see a cross that stands really tall from inside the property , and also has no trespassing signs all over just like the signs at “satans castle “ I see no info on the property at ALL. I’m pretty positive they’re connected in some way .address is (((777 Arrowhead Rd
San Bernardino, CA 92404
United States))
It just weird to me both places are burnt down / abandoned for many years , what’s the point of having no trespassing signs on something that has nothing there or nothing of value to take …. I would like to hear anything anyone has to say , especially tanner Atkinson comment back on here or email me
Tanner is a conflict of interest whether he participated in the sexual rituals or acts or not. What does matter is there is to many speculations for this story not to be investigated. When top elites cover things up.. they cover thi gs up. They have actors.. doctors… nurses… school principles… adoption clinic people.. they have hitmen.. they have it all. Satan is still plotting to destroy people and hurt God’s children and creation. This is why you see so many wierd comments on here. Because it is probably some fake comments trying to discredit a narrative that would throw alot of people in prison and end a satanic ritual that they have been hiding for years. The devil I a liar. If these people were actors and politicians.. that means they had no limits. They just hurt people. God will have is vengeance and justice. No man can stop what is coming from the Almighty God. Jesus died on the cross to save us from all of this stuff. From death. Only the blood of Jesus can save anyone. I encourage all of you to pray and seek God for the answers. Because the devil will reveal himself. . Whether it is through the devils own servants or by accident to satanists. God will reveal everything that is in the dark. It will come to light. He will expose that family for what it really is. I ask lord Jesus that you cover this comment with your blood. That no curse or satanic ritual can be cast onto me or my family or anything we own and possess. I ask lord Jesus that you keep me and my family safe from the curses and stuff thrown my way. O lord Jesus… your protection is all I need. Thank you father God for your grace love and mercy. I ask all of this father in your sons blood and name Jesus.. Amen and Amen
Isn’t that guy one of the YouTubers sam and Colby?! They swear they’re good guys, ghost hunters but they give off demonic vibes. Always wearing pentagrams and having torso statues throughout their homes. Who wants a torso statue? It’s giving Jeffrey dahmer.
I’m curious to know more about this from anyone with first hand knowledge email me at [email protected]
I lived in Crestline in the 1980’s, and early to mid 1990’s. I experienced a spiritual enlightenment in that time.
I think I went here as a kid, around 1990-91. It was just a foundation of a burnt down house, low rock walls. Fairly modern, had electrical wiring and such. Great view, had a little tower you could walk out on, I remember a pentagram spray painted in front of it. Never saw any of these lower levels with ovens that people are talking about. There was this big cement pit, like maybe an outdoor planter on what used to be a patio, and inside the pit was a severed deer’s head. Hunters, maybe? Or local Satanists engaging in Satany type stuff? I guess I’ll never know. Eventually some guy came and ran us off. Not sure where this place even is now, lived in San Bernardino at the time and think it was pretty close to the highway on the way up the mountain. Lived all over the mountains as an adult and never came across it again. Never really looked, though.
Hello I lived down the street from Satan’s castle .actually I grew up there since the fourth grade and just recently sold thar very house this last Dec 2023 . I’m 51 going on 52 in April. . I. Remember going to the castle castle they b called it back then I remember been told it was a rich madman that built the house that burned down long before this visit and that he was paranoid about the end times so he built this fortress to be able to defend himself with machine guns he had mounted on the tower that still remains. I also remember visiting the moonie temple in the middle of the forest with no roads leading to it or trails it was unlocked and I went inside it. Strange I deed . I seen alot of spiritual darkness on that mountain later on in life when I v was 29 years old up there .I remember in 87 at Rim high sittingbin class when the loud speaker came on telling us not to talk to six students that attended there and they said everyone knows who they referred to ….NOT TO SPEAK OR ASSOCAITE WITH THESE STUDENTS.. I REMEMBER ONE YEAR IT LOOKED LIKE A MASSACRE HAD HAPPENNED ON THE TENNIS COUR T S AND HAND BALL COURTS BECAUSE THERE WAS BLOOD EVERYWHERE AND SMALL TRACES OF FUR AND STRANDES OF GUTS AND WHATNOT COVERING A PRETTY BIG SECTION. not an easy task to create even with 20 people doing it.. I never heard off the castle being called Satan’s castle till last year .maybe because there’s so much more darker real spiritual actions and things going on top of that mountain that is and has been going down sinse the wagon days .Take care but beware of the darkness ………we’re not dealing with flesh and bone but princabalitys ofl darkness in the heavenly realms armor of God is a great idea
I remember whisky bob ! I grew up in c town – I searched and searched for any and all satanic activity – I wanted to find it and kill it – I never ever found it – the mountain is full of mystical magic this is more than true – it’s a strange place but all the hype on secrets isn’t really true – I moved up in 1976 and road that mountain hard – weed – acid – meth – girls – Motley Crue – you name it but never could open the doorways people speak about – Indians had homes in the early days – I love that place BUT it’s weird and scary at many times – now let’s talk about witches because that’s some weird stuff I always dealt with up there – forsure the real deal on that note – I do feel that mountain hopd the key to somthing – like the garden of Eden in the lost text – there’s forsure more to it than we can know now – bless you amen children
This comment section is a wild ride, holy hell!
I know who burned down some of it in the 80’s
I also went to the Mansion that’s connected in the 90’s Had a different name then I seen here, Maybe it’s a different house. There’s a slide and a clock on floor the clock has a key hole that leads to the tunnel. I’m working on writing a memoir , I want to find more information on the mansion I was at.
Wow, I’m not sure what to make of this story or the comment section! If anyone has first-hand knowledge or can point me to credible sources regarding the history of the place please email me at [email protected] !
Literally to this day there’s a door in the rubble of this place that is actively being used. There’s a light above the door ..(Who pays for The electricity? ) also if you’re ever there pay attention to the house in front of this place .. My guess is that it is a stage house… Full of furniture that nobody ever usees. . It’s a front for the evil that goes on in that tunnel..
I would believe this place is still being used for rituals by the cults in the area or associated… I would be careful though if anyone ventures there during the night.. it’s more than likely being used right now as Christmas is one of the biggest satanic holidays. In the tunnels that is
I know a guy from UCSC who was in psych under Angela Davis whose gf was involved in that shit (he has savior complex obv) because her dad was a high-ranking priest who engaged in this. So I can already feel some youngsters reading this and being like “woah so FUN! lets discover! YUPPIE ^^3” . well don’t take a different turn stay f***cking out of this. do not go there. you’re not wildly fearless and adventurous just r*tarded.